D4B Co-founders speak with ticker NEWS Host Adrian Franklin

New Gallery

D4B Co-Founders Shane Brady, Saxon Strauss and Craig Hodges spoke with ticker NEWS Host Adrian Franklin on Thursday 27th May 2021.

  • Saxon provided viewers with an update on the protest art exhibition being held in his gallery The Art Syndicate located at 344 Bourke Street, Surry Hills – Sydney Australia.
  • Shane provided insights into developments on the ground in Burma / Myanmar, particularly concerning the recent conflict in Chin State.
  • Craig provided a commentary on the inaction of ASEAN following the Summit that was held in Jakarta Indonesia over a month ago.


#MYANMAR | 🇲🇲 "It is shameful"

As the Myanmar military continues to take over power in the country and violence continues to escalate, @CraigLeslieHod1 has called on ASEAN to step up their game.#tickerNEWS | https://t.co/0W0Nv14dlC pic.twitter.com/jmO7SWSznu

— ticker NEWS (@tickerNEWSco) May 27, 2021

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