Shane Brady

BA (Politics & Geography), MA (Humanitarian Assist)

Blockchain Strategy – Oxford University

D4B Role – Campaign Strategy, Humanitarian Action Advisor & D4B Debates Panel Host

Humanitarian Aid Specialist

Dedicated aid professional with 15 years of international experience

in humanitarian and development programming. Proven track record

in securing funding from major institutional donors and successfully

managing complex, multi-sector responses. Strong leadership and

interpersonal skills with a strategic outlook and a focus on quality,

accountability and innovation. 

Programme Director, Relief International (Iran) 2019-2021

Head of Programme (Humanitarian) – Save The Children (Burma) 2016-2018

Humanitarian Programme Manager – Trócaire (Burma) 2013-2016

Small Arms & Light Weapons Risk Reduction Project Manager – Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion (Libya) 2012

Programme Support Coordinator – Concern Worldwide (Worldwide, Pakistan & Laos) 2005-2011

New Gallery
New Gallery
New Gallery

Shane Brady and Saxon Strauss discussing Democracy for Burma campaign strategy in Saxon’s art gallery: The Art Syndicate (344 Bourke Street, Surry Hills)

Shane’s D4B Campaign Media Engagements

  • SBS World News interview with Sydney-based Reporter Dom Vukovic (16th March 2021)
    • Topic: The art scene in Burma under the coup and the Protest Art Exhibition.


  • D4B Debates – Panel Discussion No 2. A 4-Part Podcast Series Hosted by Shane. (Recorded on 23rd May 2021)