Protest Art Exhibition & Podcast Series

Protest Art Exhibition The Democracy for Burma campaign – in association with The Art Syndicate Gallery in Surry Hills Sydney – is preparing to host a month-long ‘Protest Art Exhibition’ commencing in mid-May 2021. Drawing on a long history of protest art activism coming out of Burma, D4B aims to use the exhibition as a …

Geoff Cohn OAM – SBS World News Interview

‘They need to feel it personally’ Geoff Cohn OAM from Democracy for Burma, a pro-democracy campaign group, told SBS News that the imposition of sanctions would send a powerful message. “Where sanctions hit is when they are aimed at senior military figures and their families,” he said. “They need to feel it personally. “They need to …

Shane Brady Op-Ed – Sydney Morning Herald

OPINION ‘Half-hearted’: Australia slow in its response to crisis in Myanmar 31st March 2021 In recent weeks the Australian government has faced much criticism over its response to the illegal military coup in Myanmar. Indeed, it took more than a month to formally suspend defence ties. While Australia has since 2018 imposed sanctions on a …