Protest Art Exhibition & Podcast Series

Protest Art Exhibition

The Democracy for Burma campaign – in association with The Art Syndicate Gallery in Surry Hills Sydney – is preparing to host a month-long ‘Protest Art Exhibition’ commencing in mid-May 2021.

Drawing on a long history of protest art activism coming out of Burma, D4B aims to use the exhibition as a vehicle to raise public awareness about the unfolding crisis in Burma. 

Funds raised from the sale of artwork during the exhibition will be directed to emergency medical relief groups and the civil disobedience movement (#CDM) in Burma.

D4B Debates – A Podcast Series 

The protest art exhibition will coincide with the recording of a four-part podcast series in the gallery space.

Hosted by campaign co-founder Shane Brady, each week a panel of speakers will be invited to debate issues relating to four key themes associated with the failed coup in Burma.

  1. Background to the February 1st coup
  2. National Unity Government (NUG) & CRPH
  3. Australia’s Role in Burma
  4. Humanitarian Assistance

Each podcast recording will start off with a facilitated panel discussion followed by an open Q&A session with questions from the audience.

Podcast Participation – Confirmed Speakers

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