D4B Meeting with former Foreign Minister Bob Carr – 11th May 2021

Sydney (11th May 2021) – Democracy for Burma campaign Co-Founders Geoff Cohn OAM (right) and Craig Hodges (left) met with former Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr today in Sydney Australia.

Broad-ranging discussions included Mr Carr’s memories of his official visits to Burma, the D4B campaign and its aims, the situation on the ground in Burma since the failed February 1st coup, as well as talks focussed on some frank advice provided by Mr Carr about how to advance the campaign agenda.

D4B extended an invitation to Mr Carr to attend the opening of the Protest Art Exhibition – 12:00 noon Sunday 16th May 2021 at The Art Syndicate gallery on 344 Bourke Street, Surry Hills, Sydney.

Mr Carr is also considering joining one of the D4B Debate panels in the coming weeks and is expected to confirm his involvement in the coming days.

D4B wishes to thank Ms Margo Delaney for her assistance with the meeting planning and coordination.

#Myanmar #Burma #D4B #DemocracyForBurma #ForeignPolicy 

(Pictured L to R) Co-Founder Craig Hodges, former Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr and Co-Founder Geoff Cohn OAM. 11th May 2021

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