Dr Nang Si Si Win talks with Phillip Adams on Late Night Live

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YIng - Dr Nang Si Si Win
Phillip Adams - ABC LNL
Seven Hills - Fundraiser attended by Shane Ying & Geoff - 4th April 2021
RN Late Night Live Logo
Stephen Dziedzic met with D4B campaign reps in Canberra on Tuesay 13th April 2021 at Parliamant House
Nang Si Si Win - Ying
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Ying in Canberra - Montage
Ying in front of Parliament House (2)
Phillip Adams at radio mic
Ying in Parliament House


Dr Nang Si Si Win (Ying) spoke with Phillip Adams on his Radio National program Late Night Live on the 3rd May 2021.

The topics of discussion ranged from the comparisons between the 1998 uprising and the 2021 coup protests, the civil disobedience movement (#CDM), to the medical community involvement in opposing the coup and discussions around ethnic community groups coming together to oppose the Burmese military (Tatmadaw).

Click on the link below to hear the interview;


The Democracy for Burma campaign group would like to thank program Host Phillip Adams, A/Exec Producer Anna Whitfeld and Producer Jackie Dent for the opportunity to have Ying speak to Late Night Live audiences.

Ying speaking with Richard Ferguson from The Australian in the Canberra Press Gallery – 13th April 2021.

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